Monday, June 30, 2008

Kim (on the keys) insists he is, in fact, a Big, Black Man.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Look at the pretty poster I made!
These people drink more coffee than I've ever heard of. We went through three pots in our morning rehearsal slot.

Three pots.

Does this mean anything..?

Friday, June 27, 2008

If You Can't Handle the Heat

....Get off of the hot tin roof!

At least everyone had their Facebook pages up and running.
Suffice to say: We had a skilled cast and crew. The show recieved powerful reactions (good and bad, but mostly good) from our audiences....but this above all:

It is difficult to tour a drama.

There, I said it. We avoided the madness of Streetcar, but Mr. William's fingers were dug into our company as surely as they were last time. Hurrah for the great American theatre, but give me a comedy anyday.

Which brings me to the current month: June.
That's right. We skipped tour. Anyone who knows me saw that coming. However, I think this will be a whirlwind and I will try to keep this going again.

My second summer at Alpine Theatre Project is off to a running start. I'm back in Musical land, which is a fun place to be. We're striding into The Full Monty. I have to confess when I first read the show, I wasn't seduced, and the same goes for the music. However, now that I'm getting to know it - the music, the real core of the story, the comedy and the grand spectacle that it's going to be, I think I'm ready to offer my dollar bill, if you see what I mean.
This will be a huge production and summer in many ways. We're in a new space, our company has tripled from last year; the first show is a monster of technical elements and the final show will be very important for the company: Olympia Dukakis's adaption of The Tempest.

Actually, just thinking about it makes me tired. But there's an update.. More soon.