After Billings came beautiful Avon Colorado!
The theatre: Vilar Center for the Arts.
Located under a skating rink in tucked away in the Beaver Creek ski resort, the Vilar center is just part of an overwhelmingly rich area nestled in the snowy mountains.
They sealed up the hole in the elevator we used to use to send our walls down on a chain hoist so we carried walls through the house.
Meal: Chicken Tortilla soup at the Dusty Boot for lunch. Sushi for dinner. Mocha.
Fun Activity of the Day: Ice skating! Yes, we rented skates and went skating! I didn't even fall down once and actors went on with no broken ankles to speak of.
Next up: Fort Collins!
High points: Scenery, amazing food and coffee shops, the Brewery Tour ( New Belgium Brewery is incredible. Eco-conscious, good to their employees..if you drink beer, drink their beer!)
More high points: The Lincoln Center where we peformed! Crew, space, shows..all marvelous.Highest point: Free time during the day. We stayed in FoCo for a couple of days in a hotel that was walking distance from an array of excellent food, coffee (The Starry Night cafe!) and ice cream. Hazelnut and chocolate gelato? We don't need to say anymore.
Meanwhile, the show spread its wings during our brief settlement and it is sheer pleasure to watch.
Somehow...sometimes having a day off still doesn't make you perky at night.
Next... Hays, Kansas!
We thought that leaving the Northwest behind would bring us into sunshine and rainbows...
Kansas hid itself from us for most of the drive in a shroud of fog and rain. Flocks of daring birds liked to test Nora's willpower to not swerve, and fluttered in startling panic around the vehicle intermittently throughout the state.
We reached Hays and found the local Hastings (where I went to get coffee) only to discover that their 'cafe' was a push-button crappacino machine. I was a little heartbroken but bought myself a ethernet cable and soldiered through.
I don't want to talk about my trout dinner at Montana Mike's.
As for the theatre, it was lovely. The load in was awesome, the local crew were a blast and good to work with, they had all kinds of food for us which we descended upon in true locust fashion, and the show was beautiful again. A local news station has segment that did a bit on our production and 'behind' the scenes.. I did what was probably a lousy interview, as did Marie (but probably more adorable and less lousy), and the local crew filmed our record-breaking load out! It was incredible and I plan to show everyone I know the video so that can see a bit of what we're doing.
Showing their state spirit with the decoration scheme..
Katie's expression summed it up for us all. Didn't we leave all this behind?
Next up.. Raton, New Mexico - the end of snow? Stay tuned...
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